My name is kydo. I am an incentive researcher. I love helping innovative and impactful projects on incentives and governance.

Currently, I am being advised by Dan Boneh at Stanford School of Medicine, researching on decentralized scientific funding with crypto.

☎️ Where to find me

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🔗 Writings:

👩🏻‍💻 Current Projects

Incentive Research @ Llama

MG, PGF @ Gitcoin

Notetaking @ Zero Knowledge Podcast

Zero Knowledge Podcast

🛠 Past Projects

🌱 Public Good Alliance

Organized a public good alliance between Radicle and Gitcoin (1m GTC Grant)

Snapshot: 95% Approved

Proposal: Gitcoin // Radicle Public Goods Alliance

✋ Protocol-owned Active Liquidity Management

Designed mechanism for the biggest social DAO, FWB, to revamp their liquidity program.

Snapshot: 99% Approved

Design: PALM: Protocol-owned Active Liquidity Management